Sunday, May 8, 2011

Hand-Me Downs

I am a firm believer in hand-me downs.  It's practical and I like to be practical.  Sometimes.  I see no reason that Kellyn can't wear shorts, pants, coats and pajamas that Aric has outgrown.  I try to make sure she has feminine shirts and shoes to counter-balance whatever she might be wearing that used to be Aric's.  I actually kind of prefer to have her in some of the boy's shorts and pants rather than some of the shorter, tighter cuts that are more common for girls.

Today Kellyn claimed something of Aric's on her own:

Boots and shorts, you say?  Well, she does get her fashion sense from her big brother.

1 comment:

Briggs said...

Love kids wearing boots! My middle child loves to wear his rain boots everywhere!