Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Bread Aisle

Dear Ryan,

I've been thinking about writing for awhile, a couple of weeks actually, but just haven't made myself do it.  I still miss you terribly.  The last three-ish weeks I've thought about you constantly.  The ache seems unbearable some days, but I push it aside since I have too many other things I need to do.  Ryan thinks I've been grouchy, but truthfully I think I've turned the corner into the bread aisle.  Some days it's more than I can handle, which is probably why I've been short-tempered.

I've been busy with work, kids, family and millions of mundane chores around the house.  It's summer so it always seems like there's more to do.  I feel so busy, too busy.  And for some reason my house never stays clean for long after I've cleaned it.  It must be gnomes or little kids, either way they're messy and need to be taught how to mop, vacuum and dust.

Work is... well, as Jill always says, "a four letter word".  Rumors are flying at work that I'm leaving.  I'm not surprised no one there knows how to keep a secret or not-so-secret.  I keep getting asked by random people when I'm leaving.  It's kind of surprising because people that I really didn't think had an opinion on the subject tell me they don't want me to leave.  It won't be for awhile, though, we plan on moving next Spring.  I look forward to quitting, though, and having more time for Aric and Kellyn.

Aric is doing well.  He's big and fast and turning into quite the talker.  He usually refers to himself as "Awic".  As in "Awic's hungry", "Awic watch Caws", "Awic made mess", "Awic no wear pants" .  You get the point.  He's also a little jokester.  Our neighbors have horses, which we frequently point out when driving or walking by.

Me: "Look Aric, horses.  What do horses say?"
Aric: "No cows.  Moooooooooo."

Or as a car drives by:

Me: "Look Aric, it's a car."
Aric: "No, that's a twuck.  A big twuck!"

Lately Aric runs around the house saying "I'm getcha" as he throws himself into you at full speed and wraps his little arms around you in a hug.  At least he give a little forewarning to brace ourselves against his full speed attack.  He has so much energy!

Kellyn is good.  She's still slowly growing in her blonde hair.  I think it might have some curl like Aric's.  I hope so for both of their sakes.  I'd hate for her to be mad at him that he got the better hair genes.  Kellyn is now eating people food.  It's kind of strange to have a child who actually eats what's in front of them.  Last night we gave her macaroni and cheese, pieces of chicken and fruit.  She devoured it.  This morning I fed her a pancake and banana chunks.  Tonight we're going to attempt spaghetti.  I'm positive that will be a mess.  Kellyn has mastered crawling, is getting better at cruising and has started climbing.  We have to close the baby gate around the stairs again.  I caught her two steps up last week. 

Ryan is doing well.  Staying busy at work with training.  I think that's all they do, train.  Yesterday they let him leave early to come home and burn a pile of tree limbs.  I teased him about his lame excuse to go home.  He always seems to find a job that is flexible on letting him leave early for the oddest reasons.  Wish I could have a job like that! 

We really haven't been doing too much.  Just typical summer activities, chores and enjoying the kids.  I still look at the sky all of the time.  I pick up the phone to call you, find something to forward you, and feel heartbroken when I remember I can't do any of that.  I hope you're having a glorious time.  Kiss my babies and keep building those sand castles.

I miss you.

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