Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The End of a Long Bumpy Road

I haven't written much about Ryan's new job because it's been a source of frustration for us both.  Ryan hasn't actually started the job.  For the last five months he has been getting his "packet" ready for several boards that have to approve him before he is able to begin the job.  There have been several speed bumps along the road that have slowed things down and caused so much grief and frustration.  It's been a sore subject for us both.

We found out yesterday that Ryan was approved by the final board.  His new boss called him immediately and wanted to commission him yesterday afternoon.  Thankfully I had the day off.  The kids and I ran home, ate lunch, changed into nicer clothes and went with Ryan to the impromptu ceremony.  It was wonderful to witness it.  Except for a few minor issues with the kids which were quickly resolved by a prayer in the middle of the ceremony that they would both settle down.  (I'm glad God can answer prayers immediately!)

The best news is that he starts his job next week.

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