Tuesday, August 11, 2009

30 Week Ultrasound

I had an ultrasound appointment this morning to check up on the baby and the abruption. I asked Ryan to go with me for moral support since I didn't think the abruption was any better. I've had a lot of pain still and I didn't want to be by myself and find out that it was worse.
The abruption is no bigger and no smaller. It's a different shape, but the Sonotech said that was normal and nothing to worry about. The baby is healthy, active and still doing well. She's actually rather large, almost 4 pounds. My due date is Oct 21st and she's measuring to a due date of Oct 8th. (In case there's any question on a mistake in the first due date, that date was figured by her measurements in the beginning.)
I'm not sure what the news about her size will mean. The Dr wasn't there during my ultrasound. I have an appointment with him in two weeks and we will go from there.
In the meantime enjoy some photos of the baby, including the 4D photo that the tech snuck in for us.


Cristen said...

So glad to hear that she is doing well!! Love the 4D picture :) Aren't they cool?

Anonymous said...

Oh... The 4D picture is so neat. I love the name by the way! She is beautiful.


Kimberly said...

The pictures are great! So neat to get a 4D peek as well! I like the name, too. Stay in there, Kellyn!