Friday, November 7, 2008

Wanted: Day Care

I am completely overwhelmed with the task of finding day care for next year. I know time is quickly passing by and I had better get moving, however, I don’t even know where to begin. Today I was looking in the local paper to see what was offered in the classified ads and the thought of leaving my son with someone I don’t know made me want to cry. It’s not as though I have been with Aric all of the time, we do leave him with a sitter, but the person we entrust him to is one of our friends and I know he is well taken care of. Sadly, after Christmas her schedule is changing as is my schedule and most likely Ryan’s. It’s imperative that I line up someone to care for Aric. If you know of anyone in the area who is good and has an opening, let me know. Or even if you have some suggestions of ways I can go about finding day care, I would greatly appreciate them!

Yes, I did mention my schedule is changing. I do realize that plans can always change, but as of now in mid-January my days off are changing to Saturday and Sunday. It would be kind of “normal”. The only down-side is that I’ll have to cover a coworker’s maternity leave sometime in January or February, so I’ll have Sunday and Monday off for awhile. That’s not so bad.

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