Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Today was a pretty nice day. I was able to hang out with my friend, Laura, who came over for lunch and helped me wash and put away baby clothes. I didn’t really accomplish anything that I wanted to, but that was fine with me. I thought that this evening would be pretty relaxing. I had dinner with my husband while we watched Troy. After we finished eating he asked if I wanted to walk to the mailbox with him. I didn’t really feel like it but I’m supposed to walk for five minutes after I eat to help burn up the extra glucose. The driveway is a ¼ mile long, so it’s a decent walk for five minutes. The walk was pretty uneventful until we got to the mailbox. There was no mailbox. We both stood there in shock for a moment. Our mailbox sits on a pile of stones with a fence around them to contain them. The mailbox was lying in the grass still attached to the fence, the mail was spread out on the ground, and the stones were everywhere. There were also pieces of bumper and headlight all over the ground. What was truly shocking was that the mailbox was built around an old piece of farm machinery that was bolted into a concrete pad. The farm machinery was several feet away lying by the telephone pole. I would really love to figure out who hit our mailbox. It took us an hour and a half to put it back together. Thankfully we had a piece of fence and some wire up in our shed to work with. My only source of joy in this whole situation is that whoever did this left us part of their fender, which we will be holding hostage.

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