Thursday, January 24, 2008

Saturday and Sunday

I went back to work today after my “weekend” (it’s still weird to think of Tues-Wed as a weekend) and found out that if I want in mid-March I can have Sat-Sun as my days off. Kind of a shock- I’ve heard it takes forever to get those as your days off.

We were discussing it tonight and trying to make a logical decision about what to do. The odd thing- we have more reasons for me to keep Tues-Wed than to switch to Sat-Sun. Some of them being:

-my OB appointments are all scheduled for Tues-Wed
- it is easier to run errands and accomplish things on weekdays
-if we stay in the area then we will only need daycare three days a week instead of five, which also means the baby will get to be with one of us four out of seven days a week instead of two out of seven
-if I have two weekdays then it will be easier to make well-baby appointments
-it shouldn’t be too hard to get an occasional Saturday off if we want to spend the day together
-churches do have Saturday night services, so I can still attend church
-I get off at 3pm anyway, so there is still plenty of time to do things
-we don’t plan on living here or me having this job forever

Sad to say, but I think I’m going to give Saturday and Sunday to the new girl. I hope she appreciates it!

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