Wednesday, January 9, 2008

This and That

I am excited- we are off on a big adventure today. So maybe Kansas City is not really that big of an adventure. It is still exciting anyway. We are off to celebrate our anniversary a few days late. We both had to work on Sunday and Ryan suggested that we go to KC for the day, eat somewhere really nice and register for baby stuff. I am definitely excited just to get away for a day. I do not get to do that very often.

The baby is starting to actually kick now and get stronger. It really is exciting to feel after all that we have been through. It has taken some of the worry from my mind. I do not feel quite so anxious about my doctor’s appointment on Monday. All of my previous appointments I felt as though I were on pins and needles until I was able to hear the heartbeat or see that the baby was still doing well on sonogram. I feel that I am finally able to relax and enjoy this pregnancy more. Now if I can just get people to quit asking me if I’m having twins…

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