Thursday, June 10, 2010

Favorite Things

So far we have lucked out and Aric hasn't been attached to any one thing.  We haven't had to drag around any blankets or well-loved stuffed animals.  Sure there are things that he sleeps with, but if nap time or bedtime rolls around and one of those items happens to be missing Aric hasn't noticed.  Until now...

Aric is quite attached to this book.  He wants to read it every night before bed.  His favorite part is saying "No monkeys on bed!" while waving his finger in my (or Ryan's) face.  It's quite amusing especially when he hangs on to the book after the lights go out and when I later gently pull it out from under him before I go to sleep.  However, it wasn't so amusing the night the book came up missing.  Ryan and I searched everywhere with Aric trailing after asking us in a concerned voice where his "monkeys" were.  After looking everywhere Ryan finally found the book inside of Aric's pillow case.  He probably stuck it there for safe keeping during his nap time.  That incident kind of makes me think we should get a backup book, just in case...

Another one of Aric's current favorites is watching the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  Yesterday I took the kids to the local video/bookstore and we traded in several old movies that we didn't want for store credit.  While the clerk was tallying up our movies, the kids and I wandered through the store and found this:

Aric really enjoys watching the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on the Disney Channel and I thought he might enjoy the "full-length movie".  I was right.  After we returned home and I started the DVD, Aric was so excited he started shrieking and stomping in place.  He's asked to watch it several times since and gets quite excited when he sees Mickey.


Rudy said...

Too bad DVDs don't have moving parts. Then you can threaten him that if he plays it too many times then his video will break.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Aric!!!

Nana & Papa