Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas from Our Family to Yours

What better way to start Christmas than with a photo in front of the tree?

Too bad no one wanted to cooperate.  Sadly, this is the best photo of the bunch.  Aric was also quite mad when we took away the cup to open presents.  (And yes, we gave him a potty chair for Christmas and I'm a horrible mother because I didn't wrap their presents.)

Aric's year was commemorated with Rocket from Little Einsteins.

"Pat, pat, pat, pat... Now raise your hands as high as you can and say 'Blast-off'."  He loves that show and will "Blast-off" when we're in the car, going down the slide, etc.

Kellyn's year was easy to commemorate.

She wasn't too aware of what was happening, but she was awake through it all.

...And apparently terrorized by the happenings.

Aric wasn't overly excited about any of his gifts (he was pretty excited about Kellyn's gifts) until he opened these trucks which brought on an excited laugh.

They also brought him "Nose and Toes" to the wall when he decided to deliberately throw one at Kellyn's head.

The rest of the night we hung out and watched Aric play with his toys and Daddy put them together.

Kellyn was pretty peaceful watching everything happen around her.

While Aric tore apart the house.

We hope you have as much fun as we did!  Merry Christmas!

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