Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Dear Starbucks...

Dear Starbucks,

Will you please deliver?  I'm sitting here half asleep dreaming of a tall gingerbread latte.  I really think one would brighten my day.  You see, it's been quite an ordeal already.

In the wee hours of this morning my daughter woke up hungry.  I dragged myself out of my nice warm bed to change her and feed her.  After being up with her for an hour trying to soothe her back to sleep, I heard a small voice down the hall say "Uh, oh".  I laid her back down and went to tend to my son.  I think his room was too cold and he woke up.  It's been snowing outside and the house is quite chilly upstairs.  I turned up his heater and brought him back to my bed to warm up.  In all I think I was up for two hours overnight tending to my children in a drafty old house.

Since waking up this morning I've dealt with a little 18 month old tornado, who almost gave me a black eye by head-butting me and who colored his face blue with a crayon.  Yes, apparently you can color your face with a crayon.

I love that wild, blue tornado, but I really do think a tall gingerbread latte would make it all better.  I would go get one myself, but it's snowed quite a bit and we do live fifteen miles out of town.  The thought of driving that far is wearing me out.

Yes, it does look like my driveway has been plowed,  (My "helpful" neighbor just came by and did plow the snow and $3000 worth of gravel onto the side of the drive.  It's going to be a long spring raking all of that gravel back into place.) but it still is fifteen miles to town.

So please, consider adding delivery to your services because it might just improve my day.


Laura D said...

It looks like you have two blue tornadoes!!! Kellyns picture sure makes me laugh!!!

Cristen said...

Judging by Kellyn's photo, I'd say you've already had one latte too many. :P

carrie said...

Kellyn's face is priceless considering the content of your post.