Thursday, May 8, 2008

Life is so Precious

I went to work this morning and found out that a 3-1/2 month old baby girl belonging to one of my coworkers had died the day before. I don’t know them very well, but feel that I know so much about them from reading their blog regularly. I made a point of asking my coworker on a weekly basis how his wife and daughter were doing. My heart breaks for them and I am so saddened by their loss. All I can do is keep them in my prayers and ask God to heal them and help them through this time. I envision little Ava Rae up in heaven, healthy and whole, playing with my two children who I will meet some day.

It is such a reminder of how precious life is and how every moment should be treasured.

On to lighter news… No one seems to think I’m going to make it to my due date. (My coworkers announced that this morning.) I just met with my doctor again this week. My insulin levels were increased and now I have to take shots three times a day before every meal. My doctor thinks the baby is going to be over 8 pounds and has started hinting around that he would like to induce me early so I only have a 7 to 8 pound baby. The doctor is not too worried about the baby being breech. He said if the baby hasn’t flipped in the next two weeks before my next appointment then we will discuss options. I am also to expect another ultrasound to keep track of the baby’s size and I have to go in for weekly non-stress tests to monitor the baby. (Those are kind of boring by the way I plan on bringing a book next week.) Despite all of that the doctor says that my baby seems healthy and I’m doing well even though this is a high risk pregnancy. It is good news to hear. And I can’t say I’m bummed about the possibility of being induced early. I’ve gotten so big and heavy that it will be nice to have this little one in my arms and have my body back.

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