Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Expecting too much

Silly me, I thought that I would get some answers today at the Doctor’s office. The doctor had to run out to deliver a baby before my appointment. I’m not upset about that, because I hope that when my time comes he is able to be there. However, I had plenty of questions and concerns about the course of my pregnancy. I guess I’ll have to save those until next week. I did see the nurse practitioner, though. She was able to confirm that the baby is still breech. I was pretty sure that he still was since I haven’t felt anything that would seem like him flipping. He seems pretty content to be head up and I know his feet are still up at the top because I can see them moving on occasion. If that’s what makes him happy, though, then I’m okay with it and I’ll do what I have to do to keep him safe and healthy.

It’s just hard to believe that after a lifetime of waiting he could be here in another couple of weeks…

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