Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Little Acrobat

Is it wrong to be a little disappointed that the baby turned and is now head down? The doctor and I were a little disappointed that he had flipped. It takes away the ease of having a scheduled c-section. I am still going to be scheduled for an induction. I actually missed the phone call from the scheduler early this afternoon. She was looking at a time around the 11th. Hopefully I can reconnect with her soon and get something down in the books. Tomorrow I have another ultrasound. This one is solely to measure the baby and see how big he has grown in the last four and a half weeks. Unless there is a problem with his size, or I go into labor early my induction date won’t change. I guess I should be satisfied to know that I won’t be still pregnant on my due date.

I am ready for the baby to come. I set up the bassinet yesterday in our bedroom. We’ll probably keep him there for the first couple of weeks with us. Our lack of central air issues are going to cause his sleeping arrangements to be changed a little bit this summer. Hopefully he is a little flexible with that! I have my hospital bag packed, except for the last minute items. His room is all set up and waiting for him. I even had my hair cut and colored today. Now I won’t need to deal with that for another two months. A part of me wishes that I had started my maternity leave early, but another part of me is glad that I will have work to keep me occupied for the next couple of weeks. My dad wasn’t kidding when he said “Pregnancy is divided into two equal halves: the first eight months and the last month.”

Sunday, May 25, 2008

37 Weeks

I hit the 37 week mark today. The baby can technically be born anytime now. I am certainly more than ready to have this baby. Impatience has definitely kicked in! When I walked into briefing this morning someone mentioned that I looked miserable. Definitely! Someone else mentioned that if they stuck a needle in my belly I'd pop like a balloon. I do that three times a day and so far that hasn't happened. So, I'll just sit around and wait...

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Expecting too much

Silly me, I thought that I would get some answers today at the Doctor’s office. The doctor had to run out to deliver a baby before my appointment. I’m not upset about that, because I hope that when my time comes he is able to be there. However, I had plenty of questions and concerns about the course of my pregnancy. I guess I’ll have to save those until next week. I did see the nurse practitioner, though. She was able to confirm that the baby is still breech. I was pretty sure that he still was since I haven’t felt anything that would seem like him flipping. He seems pretty content to be head up and I know his feet are still up at the top because I can see them moving on occasion. If that’s what makes him happy, though, then I’m okay with it and I’ll do what I have to do to keep him safe and healthy.

It’s just hard to believe that after a lifetime of waiting he could be here in another couple of weeks…

Friday, May 16, 2008


I am so proud of my husband. Tomorrow, May 17, 2008, he graduates from Kansas State University with a degree in Biological Agricultural Engineering. He will be the first person in his family with a college degree. He started this degree about seven years ago and the road along the way has been pretty bumpy. Along the way he took care of his grandmother (who will be there to watch him receive his diploma), got married and took a semester off to adjust to a new way of life, was deployed and forced to put school on hold for two years, and he came back and knuckled down. Now he is faced with some major life changes (a new baby and having to start a new full time job) and he has taken it all in stride.

He has a new job that he’ll start right after Memorial Day. He’ll work on the local military base as a mechanic for the next six months while he continues to search for the job that God has waiting for him. This will at least get us through the rest of the year and give us both peace of mind with the addition of our son in a month.

I love you, Ryan, and I am so proud of you. Congratulations!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all of the mothers, daughters, sisters, and friends out there whether you have children or not.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Life is so Precious

I went to work this morning and found out that a 3-1/2 month old baby girl belonging to one of my coworkers had died the day before. I don’t know them very well, but feel that I know so much about them from reading their blog regularly. I made a point of asking my coworker on a weekly basis how his wife and daughter were doing. My heart breaks for them and I am so saddened by their loss. All I can do is keep them in my prayers and ask God to heal them and help them through this time. I envision little Ava Rae up in heaven, healthy and whole, playing with my two children who I will meet some day.

It is such a reminder of how precious life is and how every moment should be treasured.

On to lighter news… No one seems to think I’m going to make it to my due date. (My coworkers announced that this morning.) I just met with my doctor again this week. My insulin levels were increased and now I have to take shots three times a day before every meal. My doctor thinks the baby is going to be over 8 pounds and has started hinting around that he would like to induce me early so I only have a 7 to 8 pound baby. The doctor is not too worried about the baby being breech. He said if the baby hasn’t flipped in the next two weeks before my next appointment then we will discuss options. I am also to expect another ultrasound to keep track of the baby’s size and I have to go in for weekly non-stress tests to monitor the baby. (Those are kind of boring by the way I plan on bringing a book next week.) Despite all of that the doctor says that my baby seems healthy and I’m doing well even though this is a high risk pregnancy. It is good news to hear. And I can’t say I’m bummed about the possibility of being induced early. I’ve gotten so big and heavy that it will be nice to have this little one in my arms and have my body back.