Thursday, December 13, 2012

This Year's Ornaments

How appropriate that after writing yesterday's post I spent two hours sitting on the playroom floor putting Aric's Lego Star Wars ships back together.  They were in a million pieces, it was fun, especially with two kids trying to sit on the Legos or help me.

He really likes his Star Wars Legos, but like any other four year old with little Legos he has a hard time keeping them together.  

This year when picking out ornaments I knew what I wanted for Aric: a Star Wars ornament, maybe R2D2 or something similar, and for Kellyn I wanted a horse.  She really likes horses and if you haven't heard her horse impression you are missing out.  I need to capture it on video one of these days.  I quickly found out when you procrastinate on buying ornaments your selection gets kind of limited.  After traipsing all over town I finally found these:

As you can see I did not find a horse and R2D2.  Apparently this is not the year for horse ornaments.  All I could find was a creepy horse head with feathers flowing out of its neck where a body should be; not quite what I had in mind.  I quickly had to switch to my second choice which was Barbie.  Kellyn likes horses and Barbie.  Barbie has been a recent discovery, but one that she is wholeheartedly latching on to.  Kellyn was quite happy when I came home with her new Barbie ballerina ornament.

For Aric I found General Grievous, because nothing says Merry Christmas like putting a creepy Star Wars character on your Christmas tree.  He thinks it's pretty awesome and is showing anyone who enters our house through the door or Skype.

Lesson Learned:  next year don't wait until December to search for the kid's Christmas ornaments.

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