Monday, November 7, 2011

A Handful

Ever since turning two this one has been keeping us on our toes:

If you leave her for two seconds she'll likely wind up somewhere she doesn't belong.

We, mistakenly, thought she started the terrible two's before turning two.  We were wrong.  While she may have dipped her toe into the water to test it out, when she turned two she jumped right in and waves have been splashing ever since.

Frequently we hear the phrase,  "I'm not... (insert taking nap, changing diaper, or other appropriate phrase here)".  I feel like I'm in a constant battle and some days I'm pretty weary from the effort I'm expending to teach and train her.  I remember some pretty terrible incidents with Aric, but I don't remember the magnitude and volume that I am experiencing now.

Regardless, I know the two's don't last forever.  We'll be on to another age and stage before I know it.

 Kellyn may be a handful, but she's my handful and I wouldn't trade her for anything.

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