Monday, November 14, 2011


I've been a bit busy lately and the first thing to go when I'm busy is the blog.  Sorry, but that's the reality of my life.  I had two sick children, one of whom is cutting four three molars.  It put mommy a bit on edge dealing with two fussy, needy children.  We're doing better now that both kids are healthy again.

In addition to taking care of the kids I have been preoccupied with making Christmas gifts.  I decided to make Christmas gifts this year for most of our family and friends.  I'm pretty excited about my projects and hope that everyone else likes them as much as I do.  If they don't, I hope they don't let on that they dislike them.  Currently I am about half way through.  I hope to have the rest underway this week.

If that's not enough I spent a good portion of last week in the kitchen making food.  Ryan was promoted at work and in keeping with tradition we provided a meal for his coworkers.  I made dozens and dozens of cookies, pasta salad and peeled eggs for deviled eggs until my fingers literally bled.  Don't worry, I didn't send the bloody egg along.  Last Thursday I spent the day baking bread.  I was given a Friendship bread starter and Thursday it was ready to bake.  I made chocolate chip bread, pumpkin bread, mixed berry bread and lemon poppy seed bread.  It's all waiting in the freezer to be eaten for breakfast.

The last few days I've been working on our dining room table.  The finish on the table was already wearing away.  It just couldn't stand up to heat, cold or a three year old.  It was painful to sand the table and scuff it up further, but its easier to redo the finish now than to refinish the entire table later.  The table is now polyurethaned and drying.  It should stand up to the kids now. 

And that is why I haven't been blogging.

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