Sunday, December 12, 2010

Before and In Progress

We spent the day yesterday painting and getting our new house ready for move-in.  We would like to paint the entire upstairs before we move in and then gradually work on the downstairs.  We have two more full weekends to complete our project and we're already making good progress towards our goal.

It is important to me to make our house OUR home.  I didn't want to leave the paint the way it was previously.  I also wanted to be a bit bolder in my choices and embrace color.

Aric's room before:

Aric's room in progress:

Kellyn's room before:

I'm not a huge fan of pink and while I don't hate Disney Princesses, this was just too much!

Kellyn's room in progress:

This was just a photo of it when primed.  It's a darker purple now.

The bathroom before:

The bathroom in progress:

And this is where the kids were during our painting:

They really seemed to enjoy their time downstairs.

1 comment:

Cristen said...

Looks awesome already, Regan!