Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Enough to Make Your Head Spin

We have definitely been busy lately and yet it doesn't seem that we've done anything or gone anywhere.  I think the business comes from these two:


It has been a huge adjustment to add a fourth member to our family.  While we are thrilled to have Kellyn in our family, it hasn't been easy by any means.  Grocery shopping, errands, trips to the doctor and going to church are huge excursions now better attempted with two parents rather than one.  At this time, calling us after 8pm is not encouraged.  If you do call, be warned that you'll probably reach a frazzled parent and hear a screaming infant in the background during the entire call.  I keep trying to remind myself that infants go through phases and hopefully in another couple of weeks the screaming will no longer be a part of our nightly routine.  That's easier to stomach now when the house is quiet rather than later when ear plugs are required.

Ryan has been busy with work and tying up loose ends for his new job.  I've been busy with children, recovering and spending time praying for wisdom in making decisions regarding my return to work.  We're looking at some different options that would better fit our family life and I am a little overwhelmed by them.  I know what I desire to do, but at the moment I don't know what God's will is and I don't want to make a poor choice.

It's all really enough to make your head spin!

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