Thursday, January 24, 2013


At the beginning of the month, Ryan and I went on a trip to Colorado.  My parents stayed at our house to take care of our kids, giving us four nights away just to ourselves.  It was our first trip away without kids, a weird, but wonderful experience.

We have had this trip in the planning stages for two years.  It was a big celebration for our tenth anniversary.  We headed to Breckenridge, CO, where we had honeymooned ten years ago, for a week of skiing.  Unfortunately the week before, I aggravated my knee and was having enough problems with it that I questioned the wisdom of skiing.  Thankfully there are other things to do besides skiing.

We spent time walking around the shops in downtown Breckenridge, we did some outlet shopping, saw a few movies, went snowmobiling, and snowboarding.  Yes, I said snowboarding.  In a moment of pure wisdom I decided after doing research, of course, that snowboarding would be easier on my knees than skiing. 

I've snowboarded before, but it was twelve years ago.  I stink at it, which I conveniently forgot just how bad I am at it.  I was reminded all too well.  We had fun, even went down some green runs a few times.  On our last run of the day I fell hard on my butt.  Really hard.  I remember sitting there for a moment or two trying to gather myself together and get back up.  It turns out that I actually fractured my tail bone in that fall, a souvenir from our trip that I could have done without.

In spite of that it was a wonderful trip.  Ryan and I were able to sit and talk, reconnect, and have meaningful conversations without a million interruptions from the kids.  I think it was a trip that we both will cherish.  And next time... I'll just go skiing.

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