Thursday, December 8, 2011

Naming Things

We have some difficulty when it comes to naming things.  The kids haven't caught on that they are allowed to bestow any name that they would like on their animals, fish, babies, you get the point.

Awhile ago we let the kids each pick out a fish at the pet store.  Aric wanted a black fish and Kellyn picked an orange fish with three black circles on its tail fin that look like a Mickey Mouse head.  Kellyn likes Mickey Mouse.  When we asked the kids what they wanted to name their fish Kellyn quickly gravitated towards the obvious choice of "Mickey Mouse".  Aric was a bit coy about naming his fish.  We went through lists of names with Aric from favorite movies, cartoons, books, toys, family member names, and random names trying to get him to pick one.  Aric always said, "later".  Eventually "Later" stuck either that or we realized that he had originally wanted to name the fish "Later".

It comes as no surprise, then, that this year when we, as a family, sat down to name our Elf on a Shelf, he was given the moniker "Scout".  He is a scout elf for Santa after all.  Yeah, we're pretty original around here.

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