Friday, March 11, 2011

Tractor Tippin'

Ryan bought Aric a Tractor Tipping game yesterday while they were out at the bookstore.  It's a cute idea of rolling the dice and moving your cars around the board tractor tipping and hoping Frank doesn't come after you.  Whoever has the most tractors at the end of the game wins.  Laura was over yesterday and she and I tried to play the game with Aric. We tried until he decided it would be more fun to claim all of the game pieces for himself and re-enact the tractor tipping scene from the movie.  It kept him entertained for the rest of the day.

This morning Aric stumbled out into the living room.  He climbed into my lap half asleep and sat there for about two seconds before asking. "Mommy, where are my tractors?"

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