Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I said "change is coming".  The change is here:

Aric's room before.

Aric's room after with a new chalkboard wall.

There are two shades of green in his room now.
Aric quit sleeping in his room.  For weeks he climbed into our bed in the middle of the night.  Even with a king size bed, Ryan and I were no longer getting enough rest.  When we began questioning Aric about why he would not stay in his room he told us he was scared of his room and wanted it to be green.  While everyone said they loved the shade of blue in Aric's room the paint was dark and I had used a flat; both of which sucked the light out of the room.

We took Aric to Home Depot and had him help us pick out some different samples of green, brought them home and had Aric pick one out that he liked.  He picked two.  We used Aric's two choices and painted an accent wall to add some depth to the room.  I knew the color of green would brighten the room considerably, but as an extra precaution I made sure the finish we bought was satin to help reflect light.  We had just enough left over chalkboard paint from downstairs to paint a small chalkboard wall in his bedroom.

In addition to the paint we ordered Aric a bookshelf like Kellyn's to replace the cheap particle board bookshelf he was currently using.  Aric's room is much brighter and he has, for the most part, spent the whole night sleeping in his own bed.  Ryan and I are very thankful for that.

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